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Overcoming Tinea Capitis at Tuver Village, Gujarat

On 25th March 2023, a 10-year-old boy was brought to the center with complaints of severe itching over the head with pus discharge for the past 3 weeks. An initial assessment was made by the paramedics and arranged teleconsultation with a dermatologist. Based on clinical examination, a provisional diagnosis of Tinea Capitis was given and prescribed Tab.Terbinafine 250 mg once daily for 2 weeks and apply luliconazole lotion on the affected area for 2 weeks. The doctor also advised to collect hair sample and send for a microbiological study.  The patient visited the center on 3rd April 2023 for review. There was a significant improvement in the symptoms and a review consultation was done with the dermatologist. The doctor advised to continue the medication for 2 more weeks.

The Apollo telehealth team maintained regular contact with the parents to ensure that the treatment was being followed as prescribed. On June 22, 2023, the patient visited the center and experienced a noteworthy improvement in the lesion, along with noticeable hair growth. The patient’s mother expressed gratitude to the facility for the valuable guidance and effective treatment provided.